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Today’s students and families have many things to consider when preparing for college admissions. Here at Wisdem, we offer 1:1 consultation featuring topic-based modules on the subjects relevant to you. Check out our list below. These modules are primarily targeted toward 9th and 10th grade students, but many of the topics are useful throughout your high school years.  Also, if you don’t see the topic you need, contact us to request custom advising.


Your curriculum is one of the most important considerations in college admissions. What kinds of courses are you taking? Are you challenging yourself? Does your curriculum reflect your academic interests? These are the types of questions admissions offers ask when reviewing your academic record. Take charge of your curriculum planning early on, with Wisdem’s guidance. We’ll help craft a balanced, compelling curriculum that positions you for success in college admissions.


Standardized tests have traditionally served as a key metric for colleges to consider. PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Test, PreACT, ACT, and AP scores often enable colleges to make difficult choices between students with otherwise similar records. And while some colleges have relaxed their standardized test emphasis in recent years, by and large, standardized test scores remain important parts of an application – particularly with more competitive schools. Recognizing how important standardized tests are, Wisdem will help you craft an effective strategy for navigating them. We’ll guide you with recommendations for which tests to take, when to take them, what score to aim for, and when to retake a test. In addition, while we’re not a tutoring service, we can refer you to effective standardized prep companies which align with our values of outstanding service with a personal touch.


Standardized tests have traditionally served as a key metric for colleges to consider. PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Test, PreACT, ACT, and AP scores often enable colleges to make difficult choices between students with otherwise similar records. And while some colleges have relaxed their standardized test emphasis in recent years, by and large, standardized test scores remain important parts of an application – particularly with more competitive schools. Recognizing how important standardized tests are, Wisdem will help you craft an effective strategy for navigating them. We’ll guide you with recommendations for which tests to take, when to take them, what score to aim for, and when to retake a test. In addition, while we’re not a tutoring service, we can refer you to effective standardized prep companies which align with our values of outstanding service with a personal touch.


College admissions is about more than just your grades and test scores. It also includes a look at who you are as a citizen and how you engage with the community around you. Accordingly, it’s crucial to think about how you serve your community and support causes you find important. Wisdem will advise you on how to build a compelling profile of citizenship and community engagement. This will help you with college admissions by enabling colleges to see the multi-dimensional person and citizen you truly are.

The world is full of infinite interests and passions. College provides an ideal time to pursue many of them, but so does high school. For that reason, college admissions includes a look at what your interests are (academic and non-academic), as well as what you’ve done to nurture them. Whether it’s school-affiliated extracurricular activities, summer programs, or other avenues, there are limitless options for pursuing your interests. Wisdem will help you narrow things down and focus on the interests that matter to you, along with the best ways to nurture them.
It’s never too early to think about your career. In fact, developing a firmer grasp on career interests can help you sharpen your focus as you prepare for college admissions. For example, it may aid you in deciding on extracurricular activities. Wisdem offers a team of advisors with broad career experience and knowledge of useful tools for career brainstorming. We’ll do a deep dive conversation about your talents, interests, and other information. Then we’ll provide customized recommendations for career paths to consider as you think about college admissions.
It’s never too early to think about college. Indeed, the earlier you think about it, the more prepared for college admissions you typically are. For students in 10th grade or below, this module will provide key information to consider as you begin the journey to college admissions. We’ll address questions like what’s the point of college? What factors should you consider when thinking about college? What are colleges looking for?  This early college guidance will leave you well on your way to success later in the college admissions process.
Developing a College Bound Narrative
Every college application should have an overall narrative. It unites the various parts of your application in a cohesive, intentional message. Also, it explains what sets you apart from other applicants. That said, this important strategic element is often overlooked by many pursuing college admissions. Here at Wisdem, we’ll ensure you don’t overlook it. By taking inventory of your interests, academic performance, and other factors, we’ll help you craft a strong and strategic college bound narrative that positions you for success in the college admissions process.


Character is an important intangible factor in college admissions. As they admit students, colleges aim to ensure that all possess strong character, so that they will contribute positively to the college’s community and the world at large. One way colleges try to identify strong character is to look for examples of students showing impressive leadership or exemplary followership. Things like extracurricular activities, sports participation, and letters of recommendation are common ways for students to demonstrate leadership. Other ways include having a job, caring for family members, and more. Having trouble figuring out how to show your character? Wisdem will help you build a strong leadership profile which accounts for your interests and other circumstances.

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